A. R. Conti Fulwell holds a Bachelor's Degree in English, and a Minor in Music, from Malone University, but her story-telling journey began long before her college years.
Long ago, immersed in the Medici chapel, surrounded by the paintings of Gentileschi, the writings of Castiglione and Machiavelli, and the architecture of Brunelleschi, she found herself fascinated by the art of historical fiction, she began fashioning her own tales after the greats - Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte, T.S. Eliot, and F. Scott Fitzgerald. Amanda resides in Hartville, Ohio, and often shoots short-films within her hometown.
Author, A.R. Conti Fulwell shares 10 Things You Might Not Know About Her
1. The ‘A’ stands for Amanda – My first name is Amanda.
2. The Last Name “Fulwell” is a Place – I recently found out that “Fulwell” is a hamlet in Sunderland, England. Yes, it has a café, and I’m pretty sure a bookstore too.
3. Why I Write Italian Protagonists – a lot – As a proud Italian-American, I find the stories of my ancestors really fascinating. I also find that a lot of Italian-Americans fit into the “gangster” stereotype and I want to break out of that. Italians are big on food, family, and fun. It’s just what we do.
4. Don’t Look For Me At IHOP – I hate pancakes. For some reason, I’m just not a fan. I’ll eat them graciously, but you will never find me at an all-you-can-eat IHOP pancake-a-thon. I’ve tried everything – fruity syrup, whipped cream, peanut butter – they’re just not my thing. Now crepes, that’s a different story…
5. I’ve Been Writing for a LONG Time – I started writing with a serious intent to publish in the summer of 2005. Every morning, sit in front of the computer, type until I ran out of words.
6. First Book Title – The first “book” I ever wrote was called “My Dad’s Pop.” I wrote and illustrated it on recycled paper from my dad’s office. It was a little book no bigger than the size of your hand about a father and daughter sharing a pop in front of their garage. (Whoops I gave away the ending).
7. Actual First Book Title – Hmmm, now are we talking the first edition or the rewrite?
8. First Book Title (The First Edition AND the Rewrite) – My first book was called “An Angel’s Story.” It has never seen publication or a publisher for that matter. I decided to give it a face lift about six years ago and renamed it “Good-Willed.”
9. I Hate Floppy Disks – If you don’t know what a floppy disk is – you’re lucky. My first book, “An Angel’s Story,” lost it’s ending twice because of a corrupted floppy disk.
10. NEW RELEASE! – I have a new book coming out soon – “Angels in Darkness” – (what is it with me and “Angels”?) which is a sequel to my first published book, “An Angel in the Distance.” I’m so excited about this because this book is the most daring thing I have ever written. It’s a redemption story, and my first jab at a female antagonist. I can’t wait for you to read it!
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Coming Soon!

Also by A. R. Conti Fulwell

Lina d’Orsini wants nothing more than to paint until her heart is content. Enthralled by the world of art, she does not complain when treated as a servant in her own house by her would-be stepmother. When her friend, Sofia, whisks her away to a ball at the Florentine palace for Lina’s eighteenth birthday, Lina ends up with a lot more than just a dance.
Lorenzo de Medici is tormented by his uncertain future as his family dynasty is constantly threatened by outside forces. When he meets Lina, she gives him the courage to move beyond his haunting past.
Will the two be able to fight the forces working against them and have a future together? With Lina’s life at stake, they must find a way to forgive, but never forget.
Serafina Rinaldi wants nothing more than be free. Free from boarding school, free from English society, and free from her haunting past. When her father calls in a favor from an English friend, Sir Matthew Renault, asking him to take his daughter back to Cainesworth Abbey, Sir Matthews esteemed family estate, Serafina is ready to give in and forget she ever wanted anything more.
As Serafina settles in, she finds that not everyone at Cainesworth is against her. Making friends with Sir Matthews cousin Lady Eliza Carthidge gives Serafina just the ally that she will need as her past begins to collide with the family at Cainesworth.
Joshua Stone, a man from Serafina's past, comes to Cainesworth looking for solace after the unfortunate death of his brother on the Titanic. Together, the four uncover a mystery, and a common scoundrel, connecting their worlds, testing their faith, and delivering them to the threshold of a destiny that they have all been seeking.
Connect with A.R. Conti Fulwell!
Website: www.arcontifulwell.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ARContiFulwell
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/arcontifulwell
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