Spoilers have been removed from this post since it was first published.

After I finished Season of Deception, readers asked me if there was going to be a third book. Originally, there was only one book. (You can read how the original story grew into two on my About page.) And while I felt there needed to be a little more closure for Amanda and Tyler's journey, I was thinking I would eventually write it as a Christmas novella. But then I heard a song on the radio and everything changed. I realized I HAD to write and release this book before I finished anything else! If you're interested in how it all came about it went a little something like this...
I was just a few scenes away from finishing Hannah's Story. (I may end up changing that title but that's what I've called it since it began rolling around in my head in 2006.) Hannah is Eric's old girlfriend that is mentioned in Season of Deception. It was the Friday before Memorial Day last year (2018) and there was a hurricane coming our way. I was sitting at an intersection listening to a Christian radio station. The DJ was announcing that the Kutless concert would go on as scheduled and then he played one of my favorite songs by the group. The inspiration for Season of Faith just happened. It was so unexpected and I couldn't wait to get started!
So, before I go, here's the song...
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Until next time,
❤ Sara Jane